Friday, 24 October 2014

All hail those jeans

As Friday dawned on me so too, did the fact that I had nothing to wear. Sound familiar? Yeah I thought it would. Welcome to my life - and when I say mine - it's probably quite similar to yours... demographically speaking, anyway.

So - what's a young lady to wear when she looks in the wardrobe and see's absolutely nothing but a whole lot of chaotic, unneeded stress.

a, She could throw a tantrum and demand that she will not be attending tonight's dinner due to some complicated, unexpected tragedies occurring at home (aka. wardrobe nightmare - all hell breaks loose).

b. curl up in ball and practically die or,

c. She scavenges through all items of clothing until finally (thank god) she find's her most prized pair of jeans hiding beneath the blur practically screaming 'wear me' as they glorify her wardrobe of chaotic stress. #Relief.

Leg after leg, jump after jump, they're on and ready to roll - or strut - whatever works for you. You look in the mirror, do the typical left to right, back and forth - leg kick if you must. You're feeling good - kept in tight, ass in sight (haha but really) and you wouldn't have it any other way. Oh gentleman?


Arse in tact Brooke

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